Developed By:- Shailendra Srivastava
<Contraindications>They need to know if you have any of these
conditions:<br/>•diabetes<br/>•glaucoma<br/>•head trauma<br/>•heart
disease<br/>•high blood pressure<br/>•if you have taken an MAOI like Carbex,
Eldepryl, Marplan, Nardil, or Parnate in last 14 days<br/>•lung or breathing disease,
like asthma<br/>•stomach or intestinal problems<br/>•trouble passing
urine<br/>•an unusual or allergic reaction to codeine, hydrocodone, pseudoephedrine,
other medicines, foods, dyes, or preservatives•breast-feeding</Contraindications>
Expected Output:-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div id="div.0030" class="section_contraindications">
<h1 id="h1.0015" class="section-title">What should I tell my health care provider before I take
this medicine?</h1>
<p id="p.0035" class="default">They need to know if you have any of these conditions:</p>
<ul id="ul.0005" class="default">
<li id="li.0005">diabetes</li>
<li id="li.0010">glaucoma</li>
<li id="li.0015">head trauma</li>
<li id="li.0020">heart disease</li>
<li id="li.0025">high blood pressure</li>
<li id="li.0030">if you have taken an MAOI like Carbex, Eldepryl, Marplan, Nardil, or Parnate in
last 14 days</li>
<li id="li.0035">lung or breathing disease, like asthma</li>
<li id="li.0040">stomach or intestinal problems</li>
<li id="li.0045">trouble passing urine</li>
<li id="li.0050">an unusual or allergic reaction to codeine, hydrocodone, pseudoephedrine, other
medicines, foods, dyes, or preservativesbreast-feeding</li>
<Contraindications>They need to know if you have any of these
conditions:<br/>•diabetes<br/>•glaucoma<br/>•head trauma<br/>•heart
disease<br/>•high blood pressure<br/>•if you have taken an MAOI like Carbex,
Eldepryl, Marplan, Nardil, or Parnate in last 14 days<br/>•lung or breathing disease,
like asthma<br/>•stomach or intestinal problems<br/>•trouble passing
urine<br/>•an unusual or allergic reaction to codeine, hydrocodone, pseudoephedrine,
other medicines, foods, dyes, or preservatives•breast-feeding</Contraindications>
Expected Output:-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div id="div.0030" class="section_contraindications">
<h1 id="h1.0015" class="section-title">What should I tell my health care provider before I take
this medicine?</h1>
<p id="p.0035" class="default">They need to know if you have any of these conditions:</p>
<ul id="ul.0005" class="default">
<li id="li.0005">diabetes</li>
<li id="li.0010">glaucoma</li>
<li id="li.0015">head trauma</li>
<li id="li.0020">heart disease</li>
<li id="li.0025">high blood pressure</li>
<li id="li.0030">if you have taken an MAOI like Carbex, Eldepryl, Marplan, Nardil, or Parnate in
last 14 days</li>
<li id="li.0035">lung or breathing disease, like asthma</li>
<li id="li.0040">stomach or intestinal problems</li>
<li id="li.0045">trouble passing urine</li>
<li id="li.0050">an unusual or allergic reaction to codeine, hydrocodone, pseudoephedrine, other
medicines, foods, dyes, or preservativesbreast-feeding</li>
XSLT Code:-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="2.0" xmlns:pe="">
<xsl:output method="xml" indent="no" use-character-maps="entity"/>
<xsl:character-map name="entity">
<xsl:output-character character="•" string=""/>
<xsl:template match="pe:Contraindications">
<div id="div.0030" class="section_contraindications">
<xsl:for-each-group select="child::node()"
group-adjacent="boolean(self::br or self::text()[not(local-name(preceding-sibling::node()[1]) = 'BR')])">
<xsl:when test="current-grouping-key()">
<ul id="ul.0005" class="default">
<xsl:for-each select="current-group()[self::text()]">
<xsl:attribute name="id">
<xsl:variable name="li-att1">
<xsl:number format="1" count="br"
from="pe:Contraindications" level="any"/>
<xsl:variable name="li-att2">
<xsl:value-of select="$li-att1 * 5"/>
<xsl:variable name="li-att3">
<xsl:when test="$li-att2 = 5">
<xsl:value-of select="concat('li.000', $li-att2)"
<xsl:when test="$li-att2 < 100">
<xsl:value-of select="concat('li.00', $li-att2)"/>
<xsl:when test="$li-att2 < 1000">
<xsl:value-of select="concat('li.0', $li-att2)"/>
<xsl:value-of select="concat('li.', $li-att2)"/>
<xsl:value-of select="$li-att3"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="current-group()"/>
<xsl:template match="U">
<h1 id="h1.0015" class="section-title">
<xsl:template match="node()[name(preceding-sibling::node()[1]) = 'BR']">
<xsl:if test="self::text()">
<p id="p.0035" class="default">
<xsl:value-of select="."/>
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