Thursday, 29 March 2012

Announcement from Ebooks, Ebook Readers, Digital Books and Digital Content Publishing

The eBook market continues to evolve with new tools, formats and challenges for publishers.

Publishers Weekly reported on the Vook e-book creation and publishing platform, a comprehensive, cloud-based tool that allows users to embed images, videos and other multimedia into e-books to create enhanced e-books.

Sourcebooks launched "2Go" line of $2.99 iTunes e-books with separate enhanced e-book lines in classical composers, presidential speeches, and poets. A new division; Sourcebooks EDU, will market and sell these e-books to educators.

CNN reported that users are complaining about the readability images with text on the iPAd3. The iPad 3 applies an anti-aliasing filter to all low-resolution content (i.e. images formatted for the lower resolution iPad2), which blurs images ever so slightly. As a result, photographs still look about the same on the iPad 3, but the text in images looks a lot worse -- i.e., visibly blurry, or pixelated.

Harry Potter eBooks are released with social watermarking based on the book, the purchaser and purchase time; however, Harry Potter eBooks pushed wirelessly to eBook readers are DRM protected.

In the Marketing, Marketing, Marketing discussion Kristin mentioned the use of Google Analytics for analyzing your website traffic and others are commenting using social marketing to promote book sales.

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